Music and singing are an integral part of worship in the Orthodox Church. The musical expression of our faith is led by our Choir, yet all the faithful are encouraged to raise their voice in song during the services.
“Sing praises to God; sing praises; Sing praises to our King; sing praises.” (Psalm 46:7)

Byzantine chants are an integral part of Greek Orthodox Services. The music of the Orthodox Church is renowned for its beauty and ability to put parishioners in a prayerful state of mind. Byzantine chants are based on ancient Greek tones and many of the chants can trace their origin to the time of the apostles. Once you step into an Orthodox Church all of your sense are engaged, the beauty of the icons, the smell of the incense and music of the chanters raise our prayers to God’s ears.
Upon reaching 8 years old, boys are invited to become altar boys. An Altar boy is someone who assists the clergy in the divine services, especially during Sunday Divine Liturgy. Service in the Holy Altar is a beautiful ministry of the Church which spiritually enriches the Altar boys and the whole community.

Prosphora is the Greek word for offerings, and refers to the bread offered by the faithful to God to be sanctified in the Holy Eucharist. Baking prosphora is a unique and tangible way for Orthodox Christians to actively participate in the Divine Liturgy. Each week several parishioners bake prosphora on behalf of the entire community.
On Sunday mornings, a rotation of groups assist in greeting and seating worshipers, and receiving offerings at end of Divine Liturgy. Serving as a greeter is an important ministry to welcome parishioners and visitors, as well as creating an orderly environment for worship.